Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Royal Windsor Castle

Windsor symbolises royalty, power and pageantry in Britain, and in this royal town it is often possible to witness two scenes of majesty, separated by 1,000 years of history, each a jewel in a nation's crown.

One a strong and noble castle over which a supersonic bird, Concorde, brings some of the millions who, for a while, step back in time to capture so much which has shaped this nation's colourful history.

It is of course inevitable that our long line of monarchs should figure greatly in the history of Windsor and its castle, for like Queen Elizabeth II today, the kings and queens before her have made Windsor their home and sometimes their fortress.

To-day Windsor Castle is foremost a palace as its official title suggests, for it is, when correctly named: "Her majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress of Windsor Castle", thus it is not only the home of Her Majesty but also the official welcoming place for visiting heads of state. It is also the scene of the splendour of the Garter Ceremony and Banquets, which would do justice to traditions of long ago.

Like other official royal residences members of Her Majesty's armed forces mount sentry duty, whilst for ceremonial occasions they are joined by the Household Cavalry.

William the Conqueror(1066-1087) saw the military advantages of the chalk cliff rising 100 feet above the Thames and started building at Windsor in 1070.

Native labour was out to work by Norman Soldiers on the "motte and bailey" castle.

They began by digging a deep ditch and the earth removed was piled up to form the central artificial mound (known as the motte). This formed the strongpoint or keep, now the Round Tower.

To-day's visitors enter the Castle through King Henry VIII Gateway on Castle Hill.

The Gateway features six slits through which boiling oil or molten lead could be tipped onto attackers. Once over the Gateway threshold a panoramic view of the Castle's Lower Ward meets the eye.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral is the Britain's finest 13th Century Cathedral and an international symbol of Christianity. It was built in 38 years from 1220 and is unique in being almost entirely in one architectural style, Early English Gothic.
Key facts about Salisbury Cathedral:
* Britain's tallest spire (123m/ 404ft)
* Finest of only four surviving original (1215) Magna Carta
* Europe's oldest working clock (1386)
* Britain's largest Cathedral cloisters
* Earliest surviving complete set of choir stalls in Britain
* Largest Cathedral Close in Britain

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year with New Change!

Hello my fellow bloggers, friends and family....its 2009, New Year with new attitude, new life and hopefully new change! I have lots of photos to share with you after spending our holidays in England for 10 days with the help of my sister in-law. She showed us the nice and full of histories place in England. Too many histories I don't know where to start. We enjoyed our trip there with the cooperation of sunshine. It was sunshine the whole time we were there except 1 day experienced of light shower and 1 day bitterly cold weather. We didn’t waste any time or days staying home except the 24th of December, my husband and my daughter got sick. The next day, they were feeling a lot better so we started to visit the beautiful England. The first place we visited and saw was the England’s landmark “The Stonehenge” or hanging stone. Some people believe that the Stonehenge was made by aliens but I believe it was human. Remember the Pyramid in Egypt??? It took a long time to build it by human with the help of animals like Elephants and Camels but they did finish it. You could be the judge once you see it in person.

Stonehenge is the most outstanding prehistoric monument in the British Isles and is a World Heritage Site. It’s set in the middle of Salisbury Plain. It was started 5,000 years ago and remodeled several times in the following 1500 years. The encircling ditch, bank, and “Aubrey Hole” belong to the late Neolithic period. Great Sarcen Stones (huge sandstone boulders) were dragged from the Marlbrough Downs, twenty miles north, and erected as they are today-in an outer ring with lintels, and inner horseshoe of five pairs of uprights with lintels.